
Thankful and Grateful


from our family to yours


Thankful for you

We hope you enjoy family, friends and of course, food this Thanksgiving holiday. As a special thank you, we want to offer you a FREE lesson when you signup for lessons!

Sharing your talent with loved ones grows self-esteem and motivation

Growing up my mother played classical piano in the background for every special holiday. I remember the smell of crisp cinnamon apple pies, the sound of pots and pans clinging as she cooked in the kitchen humming to the tunes, my father coming home from a long day of work and us running to greet him, excitedly looking out the window for loved ones to arrive and setting the table with our very special expensive china dishes.

During these family gatherings my mother would often encourage me to play the pieces I had been learning on the piano. I remember sitting on the bench, the feel of the keys on the tips of my fingers, the sound of tea and coffee cups tinkling behind me, and the softness in the air as everyone waited.

This was my favourite way to perform. 

It was less intimidating than performing at competitions or exams. These moments allowed me to feel more confident in my playing as my family clapped and exclaimed their encouragement. This made me want to keep learning more pieces for next time and practice harder to impress them how far I had come.

Do you perform and play pieces at special gatherings? Share your talent. Ask your child to play something at your next family gathering. Trust me, everyone will love it and it's great experience for the student. Whether you play piano, guitar or sing. Any opportunity to grow, motivate and share is a growing one. Music is the best when shared with others.

Keep playing, practicing and sharing your beautiful talents!


My First Cruise was Amazing!


If you are following our Instagram then you know I recently went on my very first cruise!

I was a little nervous about getting seasick but I hardly felt the boat moving beneath us. It was definitely DREAMY.

My mind is officially blown away with the detail, mass size and entertainment aboard the ship. If you have never been then I recommend venturing on one of the Disney Cruises.


Their live theatre (where we watched Beauty and the Beast) makes you forget you're even on a boat!

Playing shuffle board on the deck with the wind blowing in your hair is definitely an experience to remember. Not to mention the long water slide that reaches out beyond the boat over ocean water!

Here I'm sporting a cute Disney hoodie I got on the cruise. Above it I'm with a friend while we pose in front of our majestic boat.


Student of the Month

Helen is an inspiring songwriter and is starting to record her own compositions!

She is also a music teacher and loves sharing her heart for healing through music with others.

The Academy would like to give a special thanks to our student Helen for all her referrals!

We are grateful for all our students who share their love of the Academy with their friends and family.

Group Classes are now Available!

We are now offering GROUP classes via Zoom for the month of November. If you are a student at RMA you can register for these classes on our shared calendar in the portal.

If you are not a student yet you can inquire by contacting us. Simply click the button "Contact Us" below.

Want a FREE lesson!?

Simply REFER a friend to the academy and as a thank you we will give you a FREE lesson.

SYNC your calendar with your lesson calendar!

You can sync your calendar by choosing the blue sync button on the top right corner in our shared calendar.


Ask your teacher how you can be given a chance to be entered in this name draw!

Did you know you can signup for EASY PAY? 

You can do this yourself via the portal or contact us and we'll walk you through it.


Fall Harvest


“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!”. It was funny the first couple times, but now it must have been the seventh lift. My arms were getting tired and sore! My friend was also no longer laughing and I could see her questioning my once  e xperienced knowledge of “canoe-ship” behind her eyes.

We were attempting to put my very heavy canoe (approximately 80 pounds) on top of her black SUV. We had done this so easily just the summer before, so I wasn’t sure why it was such a struggle this time

My idea (to make it easier) was to lift the canoe onto our shoulder and then over our heads onto the SUV. 

What I didn’t realize were my efforts were actually making the task much more challenging than necessary! I literally forgot how to lift a canoe. 

Have you ever felt like this? Something that you know and have done thousands of times and suddenly, after some time has gone by, you go to attempt it again and realize you’ve completely forgotten how!? This can be both frustrating and self-deprecating. 

I know, as musicians and parents, we see this all the time. That piece I once played for my exam on the piano? Gone. Just like that. Where did it go? It took a hike, said “See ya never!” and walked out of my brain. 


Okay, maybe not…but that’s definitely how it felt! I know it once existed there but it felt like my brain developed a hole and lost some vital information that I once treasured…and I wanted it back!

I am telling you this story because I know you have all been there at least once. And I want to tell you that there is hope. That voice in your head saying, “It’s gone!”? That’s a lie. Or that voice that tells you “You can’t do it.” is also a lie! Don’t listen! Take a breath. And trust that it’s still inside you. Take time with that piece (play it hands separate first if on the keys or try warming up your voice more or play it slower than you once could). You’ve got this. It will come back and a lot more quickly than if you had never played it before.

I looked at my friend and said “You know, maybe I’m remembering this wrong. I think I’m panicking because I’m worried the canoe is too heavy but I don’t remember it being this difficult last summer. Let’s try lifting directly over our heads in one smooth motion.”

We got it that time! In one smooth motion we lifted the heavy canoe from the ground up and over our heads. We laughed a little and easily place the canoe on top of her SUV. Even though we had tired ourselves out by attempting to lift it incorrectly ten times prior this time was filled with ease. It just took time for me to remember how

So before you give up on that beautiful piece you could once play, know that it’s still there. It may take a little time and patience to remember it, but you will never really forget it. Just be patient with yourself!

Here is a picture of us successful at lifting and tying the canoe down on my friends car! It is a 17 foot 80 pound canoe. (Standard canoe's are approximately 15 feet and weigh 45-60 pounds).


Student of the Month!

Pictured above is my student Summer and she is 10 years old. Summer is always a joy, smiles every lesson and has encouraged many of her friends to join RMA over the past two years.

1.  What instrument do you play? Piano

2.  How long have you taken lessons? 2 years

3.  Who is your favourite musical artists? BTS

4.  What are your other hobbies, besides music? Soccer and tennis

5.  Favourite food? Sushi!

6.  What is the coolest thing you’ve learned in your lessons in the past three months? I love all the songs that I play! I especially like "The Silent Moon" by Nancy Telfer

The Academy would like to thank Summer for referring her friends to take lessons at Rumble Music Academy!

Every month the Academy will have a "Student of the Month". Would you like to be the next student of the month!? You can! Refer a friend, or tell me you're performing, or doing something unique with your talents and I would love to make you the next student of the month!


First Time in a Helicopter

This summer I had my very first helicopter ride! It was probably my most memorable experience in 2021.

I also got the best seat on the helicopter. Right in the front by the captain! The helicopter was basically all windows including from by my feet, the entire side of the door and above me. I felt like I was in Jurassic World!

We flew over our beautiful Niagara Falls while a pre-recorded tour spoke the entire time giving us the history of both the helicopter and the falls. 

I totally recommend this experience as a first-time helicopter ride for anyone who has not been in one but would like to try


WIN a $25 Amazon 


RMA students share a picture of your online lesson from home and…


This photo contest has been extended!! Get a friend or family member to take a picture of YOU and you could be on the very first page of RMA’s website!!! 

Here are the details: 

  1. A HAPPY and LAUGHING picture (see the example provided above)
  2. Your instrument must be in the picture (piano, guitar, ukulele or showing you're singing, etc.)
  3. If you have a sibling who takes lessons, you may take a picture together!
  4. Natural light is best!
  5. Be mindful of your background
  6. Submit your picture by October 15th

The WINNER will get their picture on the homepage of www.rumblemusic.ca and a $25 GIFT CARD for Amazon!!


Upcoming Events

Thanksgiving Day 2021 

We will be closed for Thanksgiving Day on 

October 11th, 2021

Virtual Fall Recital 

Fall Recital will be held online via Zoom 

An email will be sent out with the Zoom ID and password both the week before and the morning of. Friends and family are welcome! 

Friday October 22nd, 2021 6pm




If you have a friend who might like to take lessons, you can refer them to the Academy and if they sign up for lessons you will receive a FREE additional lesson! 

You can use this extra credit to sign up for an extra lesson in the week, make your lesson time longer or try a different instrument! 

Did you know you can take other instruments at the Academy like Piano, Voice, Guitar, Ukulele and even song writing!? You can check out more details about that HERE.

It’s very easy to refer someone. Just visit: www.rumblemusic.ca/referafriend

Type in your name, their name and their email address and we’ll take care of the rest!

There’s no maximum to the number of free lessons that you can receive!



Questions? Contact us today 1-416-788-2005 

email: info@rumblemusic.ca



Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, all you have to do is fill out the online form here. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material and no semester minimums.

Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lessons!

Lessons are schedule once a week. 

A one-time registration fee is $25 (due only at the time of registration). 


$50/30 minutes

Request Info-1.jpg


Saturday, September 4, 2021 by Ris Rumble | Newsletter

The Girl Who Screamed, 


The date is October 15, 1992. A nine-year-old girl is practicing piano after school on a Thursday afternoon. The sun is shining, and it’s a beautiful day. All she wants to do is go join her friends who are playing a game of Sardines outside. 

She is struggling to play a piece assigned by her teacher. And she is clearly very frustrated over the fact that her insurmountable mistakes are taking time away from joining her friends.

During her frustrations and desire to be somewhere else she grabs the corner of her piano book and whips it across the room in one smooth aggressive motion. This sudden movement rips the book in half, hitting the wall behind her and causing the book to fall to the ground while a page dangles dangerously out of its seam. She screams, ‘I NEVER WANT TO PLAY PIANO AGAIN!!”

I must introduce you to this young nine-year-old girl who lost her temper and destroyed one of her books in the process. Her name is Ris!

It’s unimaginable to me now as a 39-year-old that I damaged one of my books this way let alone uttering such words!

So why am I telling you this story? I know that a lot of you have had (or your child has) these moments of frustration as you practice. Is this really worth it?”, “I’m paying for lessons so why is this so hard?”.

I realize that my perspective may be controversial with some of you, but before passing judgement I encourage you to look at my achievements and what music has truly brought to my life.

In 1997, I won first prize at my first song writing competition as the youngest songwriter submission for the ORMTA Music Writing Competition. I played keys for my Church youth group during my teen years and through that experience made a surplus of friendships. In 2008, I toured with my own band around Toronto and the GTA performing my own original songs. In 2009, graduated with a BFA in music from York University. I have written over 100 songs, professionally toured all of Ontario, and for the past 9.5 years I conducted a choir of 100+ students. I have taught multiple music classes at a variety of schools and started teaching private lessons professionally in my mid 20s out of my home. This year, despite the pandemic, my school has grown allowing me to focus full-time on my business as the owner of Rumble Music Academy!! 

Over the past 15 years working with hundreds of students, I have learned that perseverance really is worth it. I have seen students, who once didn't believe in themselves, grow and share their talent. I have seen students who have struggled with technique work hard and overcome their challenges. I have worked with students who have wanted to give up (like I once did) and are now incredible musicians themselves! I have seen students walk into my studio, very unsure of themselves, grow a strong self-esteem and be great at what they do. I am proud of all of these students and so very thankful for the multitude of personalities, experiences and relationships that have formed from this journey. 

It was my own teacher and my mother who encouraged me when I was ready to give up. What if my mom hadn’t encouraged me to stick it out? What if my teacher had given up on me? I would not be where I am today without them. Instead of quitting, I tried something new. I began playing fun songs from Disney, popular songs we hear on the radio and within six months, I requested to continue my classical studies. I never looked back after that moment.

I know that some of your children (or maybe yourself) have felt discouraged with their own practicing. So, I want to encourage you; encouraging your child and cheering on their improvements and determination, is the best thing you can do. Recognizing what they're doing and achieving is hard is a good thing because it is! What your child (or you) is accomplishing is something that brings life value. I truly believe that music is more than technique; it builds long life values of discipline, perseverance, focus, increased cognitive thinking, self-esteem, and opens doors for new relationships...music itself is truly unique and the list is endless (which may be another newsletter of its own!).

 "Music improves cognitive and non-cognitive skills more than TWICE as much as sports, theatre, or dance."

German Socio-Economic Panel 2013

Student of the Month!

Pictured above is my student Mira and she is 9 years old. This summer, Mira wrote her very first song, and she is very enthusiastic about singing and playing the piano. 

1.     What instruments do you play? Piano and Voice

2.     How long have you taken lessons? 2 years

3.     Who is your favourite musical artists? Selena Gomez

4.     What are your other hobbies, besides music? I like soccer

5.     Favourite food? Mexican food (like tacos!)

6.     What is the coolest thing you’ve learned in your lessons in the past three months? Writing my own song!

The Academy would like to honour Mira for all her enthusiasm and practice she puts in between lessons!

Every month the Academy will have a "Student of the Month". Would you like to be the next student of the month!? You can! Refer a friend, or tell me you're performing, or doing something unique with your talents and I would love to make you the next student of the month!

My First Blue Jays Game 2021!

This summer I got to enjoy my very first Blue Jays game! Turns out, I love baseball! I even got to take home one of the baseballs a friend gave me as a memorable token. I not only witnessed two home runs but accidentally recorded one in the process! It was very thrilling. You may have seen it on my stories on Instagram (@rumblemusicacademy). I must admit, the music was my favourite part! I loved hearing people chant along, clapping and even a few energetic souls were dancing.


RMA students share a picture of your online lesson from home and…


All you have to do is get someone to take a picture of YOU while singing or playing your instrument. 

What I will be looking for: 

  1. A HAPPY and LAUGHING picture (see the example provided above)
  2. Your instrument must be in the picture (piano, guitar, ukulele or showing you're singing, etc.)
  3. If you have a sibling who takes lessons, you may take a picture together!
  4. Natural light is best!
  5. Be mindful of your background
  6. Submit your picture by October 1st, 2021.

The WINNER will get their picture on the homepage of www.rumblemusic.ca and a $25 GIFT CARD for Amazon!!



Rumble Music Academy is ready to help you ROCK it for back to school! Refer a friend for music lessons and if they sign up you will both get a FREE $50 Back-To-School Supplies Bag!

If you have a friend who might like to take lessons, you can refer them to the Academy and if they signup for lessons you both will receive a back-to-school bag!

It’s very easy to refer someone. Just visit: www.rumblemusic.ca/referafriend

Type in your name, their name and their email address and we’ll take care of the rest!

There’s no maximum to the number of free lessons that you can receive!